The Lion's Trail (Lví stopa) is a Škoda Auto project. It consists of creating a 2018 km long cycle track in shape of the Czech national emblem, the lion, all across the Czech Republic, using cycling signage. The project marks the 100 jubilee of the Czech statehood together with the 120 jubilee of founding Škoda Auto. The distinctive track has been set in The Guinness World Records. All the track was ridden by cyclist “Forest”, supported by We Love Cycling and volunteers joined on the way. Some interesting guests also joined Forrest to accompany him.
A microsite was created primary for the project, supported from the website, where people could watch the entire movement of the "Forest" live and join the race, cheer or just have fun. The campaign took place both on social networks and in mass media.
Car signmaking & design dress
outdoor advertisement
web homepage
Social network & info canal
TV spots
behind the scenes